Monday, July 8, 2024

Yellow Journalism or Newsertainment

Read  the Hartman Report here:

Yellow Journalism

Then I sent this to ABC, CBS, and NBC today to call out their biased Newsertainment that is devoid of real journalism:

I will keep this as short as possible. 

I find it disgraceful and premature for the Mainstream (or any other) News Media to be giving exaggerated attention to any suggestion by anybody that President Joe Biden step aside without also suggesting that Donald J Trump drop out of the race for the good of the country because of his total incompetence and dangerous ideas.

I have seen little if any fact checking or calling out Trump’s lies, his impaired mental functioning, his disgraceful comments, or his not-so-subtle calls for violence. We all know what chaos he will cause should he not win in November and you in the TV Entertainment News (I hesitate to call it journalism) will be to blame for the results of your biased reporting.

The main stream media (YOU) is having a feeding frenzy every time a prominent Democrat comes out in favor of Joe dropping out. The negative press will not only become self-fulfilling, but will give the Liar-in-chief Trump more ammunition with which to sabotage either Joe’s or any Democrat's candidacy.

I urge you, before it is not too late, to dish Mr. Trump a daily plate of TRUTH, call out his lies, and demonstrate to your audience and the American people using your own archival video footage that Mr. Trump is a shyster and a criminal, whose incompetence is blatantly obvious to any rational person and that he is not, nor was he ever, worthy of the Office of President.

I will vote for Joe Biden even if he were on life-support and about to take his last breath. Should Joe, himself decide not to run, I will vote solidly Democratic all the way.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good letter!

Anonymous said...

So true !
I rather have Biden, a believer in democracy, than Trump, a believer in despotism. It’s like history repeating itself. In the 1930s and into Ww2 America was lead by FDR, a man crippled by polio. Germany was led by Hitler, a man with a crippled mind. FDR sought to liberate the world from tyranny, Hitler sought to control the world through tyranny. Biden supports freedom, Trump supports tyranny.
Vote blue, our very nation and its liberty are in the balance. - Rj

VoenixRising said...

AMEN! Call out this MSM bullshit wherever and whenever you see it!

Russ Manley said...

I wanted to read the Hartman report before commenting on your post, and I've just started it on her blog. But I'm only a few paragraphs in, and I have to tell you, Frank, that this bitch doesn't know what she's talking about, and has only half-digested the sources she herself posts. I'd say *that* is piss-poor journalism.

Two things that jumped out at me: 1) she refers to Pulitzer's "rather staid" New York World. Which if you go pull up the Wikipedia article on it, the first paragraph tells you the the World was the originator of "yellow journalism"!

And 2) she says yellow journalism was the *dominant* form of American journalism until World War II. But the Britannica article she links to quite clearly says the yellow journalism fad ended around 1900. These things I already knew from general knowledge, but just looked them up to be sure.

So if she's that sloppy with simple facts - which apparently have a lot to do with her main thesis - I'm disinclined to keep reading her essay. Besides, it's hot down here and I have a headache. I might or might not continue later.

Oh, and another thing: she herself says that the little chart of CEO's you posted is "not accurate." So why does *she* post it in her article? Crazy, mouthy bitch, guilty of the same "yellow journalism" she decries, is what I think.

(Hope she's not a friend of yours.)

Russ Manley said...

PS - I agree with your last paragraph. As Ken Burns and many other smart guys have already said, there is no real choice this year: it's either stick with democracy, such as it is, or go for dictatorship. I'm not losing sleep over Biden. If he croaks or loses his mind, the next person in line will take over. But democracy will go on.

Frank said...

Thank you Russ for your comment and for doing the research behind it. I don't have the time or the energy to re-read the article (by Thom Hartman) now but I will only say that with today's unconventional references to gender, I'm not sure who the "she" is that you are referencing. Oh. well, like so much in the news and blogosphere, today's posts are pretty much forgotten by tomorrow.


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