Thursday, July 11, 2024

New York Times Editorial


Yes. The New York Times. The paper that has demonstrated subtle and not so subtle bias against the Democratic Party and all things progressive has now, finally, condemned DJT and his thirst for power.

The editorial is in several parts and I was able to read it without a paid subscription...perhaps they consider it important enough to give it wider distribution beyond their paid subscribers.

"DJT is Unfit to Lead".

He is dangerous
in word, deed and action

He puts self over

He loathes the laws
we live by

Here is the link: NYT Editorial


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Let's hope that changes some minds among conservatives.

Anonymous said...

Finally coming around to a stark reality. Trump is a tyrant and he would be the type to silence the NYT and other media that would criticize him in anyway.
They must have got a gander at Project 2025, supported by Trump, despite his denials. -Rj

Milleson said...

I'm not much for long reads, but these are critically important times and I saw this referenced on voenixrising and dug in for however long it took. A splendid and concise chronicle of what the "woke" percentage of the American people have known since 2015. And about DAMN time!!! More of the people with the power to make change need to follow that example and inundate the media with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Time to hold DJT and all MAGAs accountable for their fake news and alternative facts which they have spread for a decade.

Bob said...

I hope people in the middle, and those in the right who aren't fully indoctrinated into the cult, read this and do the right thing.


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