Thursday, July 11, 2024

And Now the L A Times Follows Suit After NYT

The L A Times has also decided that DJT is unfit to occupy the White House.

Link to the editorial here: LA Times Editorial


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hopefully they'll sway some votes too.

Bob said...

Finally people are understanding that being a felon should be disqualifying.

Russ Manley said...

FYI: in this and the previous post (American flag), the pics display too big and run way over into the sidebar.

Anonymous said...

So now the media realizes Trump would shut them down to shut them up.
About time they come to the ugly truth that Trump is a despot of tyranny and that he and his enablers and followers will stop at nothing. - Rj

Frank said...

Fixed it, Russ.


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