Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sunday Sermon: Preaching Against Christian Nationalism

More religious leaders and pastors and preachers are beginning to speak out about the heresy and toxicity of Christian Nationalism.

 As non religious gay man I am moved by this sermon not only because of the truths expounded by Rev. Talarico but because I believe it is preachers like him who can best confront christian nationalism and possibly convert those who adhere to its teachings. 

This sermon also reminds me, believe it or not, of the Catholicism I grew up with years ago. Post John XXIII, we had many progressive theologians and a thing called "Liberation Theology" which resonated with many liberal Catholics. The swing toward conservatism under JohnPaul II disillusioned many Catholics and put others on a path toward acceptance of the Christian nationalism ideology.

Anyhow, here is the Sunday sermon:



For more see:


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, I agree that Christians who are not fascists MUST speak out against the danger posed by Christian Nationalism.

Anonymous said...

… a TRUE follower of Christ :)
The churches need more ministers and priests like Rev.Talarico who speak truth as Christ would want.
As a Catholic I too remember when the church became more progressive after Vatican II. In the 1970’s a book was published by the Vatican expounding on the progressive aims of the church. Only to be expunged in later years, as the church became regressive. The so called traditionalists are harming the Catholic faith they claim to protect, instead they subvert the faith for their own vanity and self importance.:( -Rj

Bob said...

Hopefully more actual Christians will speak up.


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