Saturday, July 20, 2024

What We've All Known For Years Finally Has a Political Pac

 How a convention stadium full of supposedly educated, reasonable, political leaders can endorse Trump as their candidate for president of the United States is beyond incredulous and beyond preposterous. 

Is this ad and this PAC enough to change the minds of any of those who have drunk the Kool-aid? I am skeptical. 

Those republican political leaders and members are so far up Trump's ass, they can never admit their error and will do what they must to "save face". They are the proverbial monkeys: see no TRUTH, hear no TRUTH, speak no TRUTH. 

The fact that this narcissistic sociopath can have such a cult following will be studied and analyzed for years to come. 

George Conway tells it straight.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It will be interesting to see where this goes.

Russ Manley said...

I know Convway is sincere but this is too little, too late. I can't imagine this advertising campaign, coming as it does when we are almost in the straigtway to Election Day, will change anyone's mind. All but the most dimwit, wishy-washy people have already decided who they will vote for.

Now it may be that the dimwits and don't-knows are the sliver that makes all the difference in an electorate that is nearly evenly divided between red and blue. I remember that is what happened when California voters outlawed gay marriage in 2008. The thing is, the pro-marriage side had been running ads specifically targeted at those undecided voters - a strategy that failed miserably.

In any case, the very name - the Pyscho Pac - is unbearably clownish and juvenile, a goofball concept you might expect to see on a sticom. As is 90 percent of stuff that flows across the media and the internet in this dumbed-down day and age. A clever, ha-ha tag line - but I can't believe it will sway the election.

Kudos to Conway for at least trying. But to my mind there is a problem in simply saying Trump is "mentally ill." He is, rather, crazy like a fox. A fox who radiates charisma, who has magnetic attraction to pull in followers. I saw this happen once, up close, in the workplace, when a rabble-rouser was stirring up trouble just to promote himself.

Completely self-centered Hitler had the same sick mind and charisma. But that doesn't let Hitler off the hook for all his evil deeds. Calling Trump "mentally ill" sounds like he gets a pass for whatever he does.

Speaking of too little, too late - I'm not sure it will make any difference now whether Biden stays or goes. The time for that deciwion, and picking a replacement, was a year ago, or two years. Not now at what feels like the last mninute, a humiliating choice. And what is the Denocratic message to voters? What exactly is there to vote for, not against?

The repubs have a strong party line message, big ideas, the intoxicating message of Change, which is always sexy, even in normal times. Their voters know what they want, or think they do.

Just what do the Dems have to offer to the little minds who might sway the elecdtion - or to anyone? Can you name three things off the top of your head? I can't. Other than honesty, decency, integrity - but people won't vote for them big fancy words when they can get their political rocks off voting the other way.

This is the biggest political crisis of our lives, Frank. All decent people are aghast - but what can be done at this late hour? It's so like Germany in the 1930s. Horrible. I get it now.


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