Friday, July 12, 2024

Becoming Disgusted with NBC Newsertainment

 To NBC News:

I just watched Craig Melvin’s interview with James Clyburn (Today Show Friday July 12) and I’m left feeling disgusted with the very obvious bias inherent in Craig’s repetitive questioning of Clyburn about Joe Biden’s decision to stay in the running for president of the United States. 

Clyburn answered Craig’s variously worded questions intelligently and did so with grace and respect but Craig would not accept Clyburn’s answers. It was obvious that Craig wanted Clyburn to say something detrimental to Joe Biden but Craig was not getting what he wanted from Clyburn. His harping on Clyburn about the topic repeatedly was not only dismissive but highly disrespectful and disgraceful. 

The remarks that were not forthcoming fron Clyburn were what the NBC Newsertainment department needed to keep viewers titillated. 

In their “analysis” immediately after the interview, Savannah Guthrie and Kristen Welker zeroed in on one particular comment and twisted and contorted it to conform to what their NBC Newsertainmet department wanted Clyburn to say, even confronting him again with their “analysis” to get further clarification. I obviously didn’t hear what they heard. Disgraceful reporting. Absolutely disgraceful.

This is NOT journalism. This purely biased reporting. NBC has an agenda, and I’m not sure why it is so anti-democratic. I used to trust NBC News. No longer.

Please read the recent NYT and LA Times editorials after which I will leave you all with this question: 

Why is NBC News not spending air time denouncing the most incompetent, disgraceful, inexperienced and convicted felon who is running for president again with the express intention of destroying democracy and the very government he wants to lead? 


VoenixRising said...

Because at this point all the MSM are in competition with each other to be declared Vonschitzinpants' official propaganda source should he return to office. None of them seem to realize that the free press is a first thing to get the axe in a dictatorship. I'm just sitting here SMDH at this stupidity.

Bob said...

Clyburn should have answered like Nancy Pelosi, who was constantly asked the same question, and said she was sticking by Biden, responding:
"Am I speaking English to you?"

Anonymous said...

NBC is 1/2 step above FOX news anymore. Our local affiliate is owned by McClatchy, controlled by Chatham Asset Mgt, known for coziness with the Republican Party, making even local news coverage on our channel intolerably biased. Is it election year sensitivity, or are faint scents of a similar odor emanating from MSNBC since the beginning of this year?


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