Wednesday, June 5, 2024

This Guy Is Sounding the Alarm About the Real Threat of Christian Nationalism

 Watch this and be afraid. While I am no longer an adherent of any religion, I do respect this guy, Tim Whitaker, for his enlightened view of Evangelicals and the Christian Nationalist movement.

These people are not Anita Bryant and a pie in the face will not make them cry. They are hostile, they are hateful, they have an agenda and will stop at nothing, will use anything and anyone to gain power and they would put us all to death if they could, along with women who get abortions, and doctors and health care providers who assist them and eventually anyone who does not accept or agree to their sick religious tenets.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The fascist vanguard, I agree.

Russ Manley said...

I'm just not up for watching the whole thing today, but I did watch the first 10 minutes, where the guy tells how he got to where he is now.

But I know from reading many other reports that yes, the Christian nationalists do have an agenda of taking over the government and ruling America like the Taliban do Afghanistan. And in supporting DT they have abandoned Christ and sold their souls to the Devil.

Things are heating up, and I'm afraid will spill over disastrously.
But where is the knob to turn off the gas under the boiling pot?


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