Friday, October 31, 2014

Book Signing Last Evening

I was one of four featured authors at a book signing event at Bristol Public Library last evening. My mentor, Dawn Leger, (Chimney Crest Writers' Group and Lefora Publishing) gave me a very flattering introduction. I am very grateful for her support and encouragement and nudging me forward in my writing "career" if I may call it that.

I was the first reader. I introduced my reading with the quote on my book jacket, "I'm not sure the world really needs another coming out story, But I feel deeply the need to tell it."

And as evidence for the need to tell my story - I read the article that appears in the link in yesterday's post below about the gay boy beat to death and tortured by his mother and her boyfriend.

Because he will never be able to write his memoir.

Because despite the gains we've made, there are people who still cannot see beyond their own prejudice, hate and misguided religious beliefs.

So, while the week for me has been full of celebrations - Leon's birthday, Leon's and my marriage, and my book debut, we remain cognizant of the fact that so many others have so little to celebrate.

And that we must do what we can to help move humanity forward.
So many people have asked how I chose the title for my book. I tell them "You'll have to read the book."

But last night I chose the reading that revealed where the title came from - partly because the excerpt revolved around a BYOB Halloween party that I had gone to years ago....

Those in the audience - well about 12 of them - learned the secret and still bought the book, so I am grateful to them.
Buy the book! Link to Amazon on the side bar.

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