Sunday, March 11, 2012

Changing My Comments Settings

Stan from Metrodystopia/Gray Gay Thoughts suggests changing comment settings on blogger to eliminate the annoying and cumbersome newWord Verification method that Blogger is now using.  I agree and will try doing without this step.  It still allows monitoring comments and probably has little to do with spam anyway.

So go to "Settings" "Comments" "Word Verification" "No" if you wish to do the same.


Cubby said...

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

Blogger's word verification system is extremely annoying, mostly because I cannot make out the letters. I hope more folks do what you did.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for turning off the captchas. I found the only time the problem arose with the is if you tried to post a comment using OpenID. One work-around was enabling name/url posts, but I like your resolution better.

Russ Manley said...

I think I will leave mine as it is for the time being. Apparently from all the outcry, Blogger eliminated the black circle around one word - so now you simply have to type in two words, instead of just one as before all this started. Not really such a big deal IMO.


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