Monday, November 9, 2020

Are we Now Being Asked to Feel for the GOP and the Rabid Supporters of 45?

I am by nature an empathetic person. 

But forgive me if I don't empathize with the supporters and enablers of evil and one so-called-president of the USA who nearly destroyed our democracy and every facet of our government. (And godforbid he may not be done with that yet.)

There is a qualitative, substantial, moral difference between us Biden/Harris supporters and those who supported this sorry excuse for a 45th president. The current occupant of the Oval Office has abused the country, the constitution and the citizens of the USA. And when I say abused, I mean that I, and many others, have experienced what can only be described as emotional and psychological abuse by virtue of his behavior and policies. Some have been victims of physical violence as well - assault, police brutality, children in cages.

Yes, we were devastated by Clinton's loss in 2016 after playing by all the rules and having an agenda that put people first. But the GOP has employed deception, dirty tricks, intimidation, power wielding, and other underhanded methods to advance an agenda of racism, plutocracy, religious fundamentalism, anti-LGBTQ activities, and outright hate. 

The rabid, in-your-face Cultists have intimidated voters, threatened peaceful protestors, ambushed a Biden/Harris campaign bus, and committed atrocities on an almost daily basis. Their acts have been documented and many are on video. In contrast their many allegations of wrongdoing on the part of Democrats are made-up internet conspiracy theories without foundation in fact. 

To all the republican "nice guys" I say: "These are your compatriots, the GOP platform and agenda is your dogma. You cannot support a man, an agenda, a party that is so thoroughly racist, anti-LGBT, theocratic and plutocratic and at the same time ask for empathy from your progressive, "socialist" and liberal neighbors."

And now the petty "leader" and his GOP congresspersons are doing everything they can get away with to undermine further the faith in the democratic system, delay funding for a peaceful transition, and vowing to thwart the Biden/Harris Administration.

Empathy is for those without culpability.

So NO, I cannot empathize.


Moving with Mitchell said...

Nope, no empathy from our house either!

anne marie in philly said...

the dump cultists can go fuck themselves! no empathy for them in my house!

Russ Manley said...

You must be referring to some commentator or new article I haven't seen. It is certain that the cultists have not/do not/will not feel any empathy for you, so I wouldn't worry about it.

We can be civil to our misguided friends and relations - but the people at the top who are actively trying to blow up democracy right now and elevate Trump to Life President - they deserve no sympathy from us. They are not misguided or misinformed - they know exactly what they are doing (Graham and Cruz, for example) and they don't care.

But I am resisting the urge to fret and worry about things I can't control - just Biden my time here.


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