Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Michelle Obama's "Closing Argument"



Bob said...

I saw this this morning.
I adore her. I know she'd never, but if she ever ran for President I'd do everything to get her elected!

Russ Manley said...
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Russ Manley said...

I deleted my last comment, Frank. I must have been in a sour mood last week. Michelle is doing what she can, as we all are according to our circumstances and abilities, to help win this election. I might not agree with every single word she said, but God bless her. And God bless the USA.

Frank said...

Russ, I thought you were perhaps a bit harsh in your critique. I voted early and despite all the early voting and positive polls I find that I remain anxious and discouraged. I am waiting for both "shoes to drop," as I don't think we've seen even the beginning of the crisis of our democracy. The divide in this country is surgical and I'm not sure any one president or congress can stitch it together again. COVID might have brought us together, but it has only divided us further. I have been an insomniac for years but it's gotten much worse of late and it is taking a toll, so I have little motivation to blog of late. Will have a consult with a sleep specialist today, finally.

Russ Manley said...

I hope you get some relief soon; lack of sleep really spoils everything. I rarely have a problem but other people I've known have told me that a little Ambien is very helpful, even just half a pill at a time. I've tried to keep my anxieties down by not letting myself dwell too long on the election and all the outrageous happenings; but as we get closer to Nov. 3rd its harder to keep a calm mind.

I think your description of (*surgical* divide in this country is quite apt, and that's the great big problem that the election will not fix. Even if Trump moved to Mars, there will still be the 60-million+ people who think he is just great, right here next door to the other 60-million+ who despise him.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. After the election, the best and brightest people need to start work on healing this godawful division. Without self-righteousness or condescension. I have no idea how to go about it - but that is the great challenge of today, much, much greater than any election.


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