Friday, October 4, 2024

The Hidden Brain Podcast: The Yin and Yang of Political Sides (Or Why Dems are Happy and Repubs are Sour)


This podcast that I heard this morning in NPR is probably the best explanation I've heard about the psychology underlying the political divide. The beginning is a more genera discussion...but...listen to the end where Danna Young talks about politics in more depth. 

 I don't know if this link will work (Hidden Brain may require a subscription but I was able to listen for free)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, your link worked. Very interesting podcast! I liked the discussion about taste in art and literature in particular. Also how a high tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty translates into greater comfort with trans and gender fluidity issues.

Russ Manley said...

Might be an interesting speculation, though of course there is no single determinant of personality or politics. And I no longer have the patience to sit through a long podcast with no video or pitchers. (I couldn't even finish watching the interview with Pete B. that I posted the other day - nice but so d u l l.) LOL.


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