Saturday, August 10, 2024

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Blasts Media Bias

 I am not going to speculate about why the media gives DJT a pass, but a handful of very wealthy individuals own/control/have financial interests in the Mainstream Media or the Corporations that own/control the Mainstream Media in the United States.

Lawrence O'Donnell compares and contrasts how "reporters" give DJT a pass when he lies or speaks gibberish vs. how they disrespect Biden, Harris and Democratic spokespersons. 

These "reporters" allow DJT to talk gibberish, and not only don't call him on it, but give him praises for it and gaslight by trying to twist it and translate it into some kind of sense...

1 comment:

Russ Manley said...

I'm not familiar with O'Donnell, but it's astonishing to hear a newsman castigate his fellow journalists this way. I'm also fucking tired of hearing about these big fat cats who control the mainstream media, which used to be robustly and rigorously impartial. That's essential to democracy as we know it. If the media is corrupted as the Supreme Court apparently is, we are in big, big trouble.


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