I think I needed a little dose of Pride after all the negativity coming at us for the past seven or eight years and even more so this year. The bible-bangers/republicans/christian nationalists/bigots have doubled down on their hatred and bigotry. As Joe of Joe.My.God news blog put it:
They wish we were invisible.
We’re not.
Let’s dance.
It's not New York, but it is after all, Santa Fe Subdued. Or Santa Fe Sleepy.
But seeing the crowd, the Rainbow Flags up and down the street and Plaza, hearing the music...it was healing and reassuring and a reminder that
Yes We Are Queer and We're STILL Here!
Not a lot of photos because, well the photos just don't convey the festive vibe. And I wasn't really into taking pictures.
Pride isn't quite what it used to be: no longer a march of visibility and defiance and demanding out rights, but more a march of our allies and supporters and social service organizations and commercial enterprises and even churches. Hard to tell who's L,G,B,T,Q or plus or straight.
Even the Government agencies are represented (don't tell the republicans, they will start writing ridiculous bills and trying to pass them in Congress).
Hubs works for Bureau of Land Management Recreation division. His field office had a booth at Santa Fe Pride again this year and Leon was proud to be there in his new uniform. (We are not thrilled with the colors, but I guess it's not up for debate).
Here are a few photos of BLM and Park Service in the parade.
Hubs in his BLM uniform and me in mine. |
Anyhow, Happy Pride to all!
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Rainbow over Cochiti this evening. Who says Gay Power isn’t real? |