Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Little Something for My Catholic Friends and Family

 The "evangelicalisation" of the Catholic Church in America (due in part because all the liberals have fled) borders on heresy, in my opinion. Their political conservatism is sorely misguided and their religion has been contaminated. 

Here is a Catholic priest who speaks honestly about politics. I post this in spite of recent events because DJT will milk his near martyrdom for all it's worth. Just wait for the money beg.


Russ Manley said...

Fr. Gierlach is spot on - a beautifully concise statement.

But will anyone listen? Is there anyone who hasn't made up his mind already?

Anonymous said...

The Catholic Church in America has been subverted by so called charismatic Catholics who have taken a page out of the southern baptist and prosperity gospel evangelists playbook. Now it has come to roost, they worship material wealth and a felon over God at their own peril. Charismatic Catholics are the very judgemental types(heaven for me, damnation for thee) that denounce the Pope, claim to speak in tongues, know how to interpret scripture mystically and see visions of Mary on shower doors.
They have become the anti- Christ they so fear. - Rj

Frank said...

I began to notice the so-called charismatic Catholics back in the 70s. They scared me then but I wasn't quite sure why. I steered clear of them out of instinct. Here in New Mexico I'm sure if I look, I can find a shower curtain with the likeness of Our Lady of Guadalupe. She's everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we had one of them speak in my class at catholic school 77/78. Nutty as hell, even to us kids. They’re worse today and have influence with some of the American bishops. Pope Francis is starting to put them and their holier than thou attitude in their place. -Rj


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