Friday, July 9, 2021

San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus Forced to Close Their Office Over Death Threats

 San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus receiving death threats over a song they did about "recruiting" kids not to hate. The comments on the YouTube posting of the video are filled with hate, lies, homophobia and vitriol. 

How discouraging it is to see so many anti-LGBT comments about the lyrics taken entirely out of context. If the comments are any indication of the sentiments of our society...things are much worse than I imagined and we are in for much more than hateful words.

The video is creative and quite innocent. But the trolls have been having a field day with it. It is not the video that should be taken down but at some point perhaps YouTube should suspend comments. 

The video has been blocked but may still be available to view on YouTube.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Unfortunately the video "is not available" to view.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I saw the video yesterday and worried lines would be taken out of context and it was going to backfire. The haters are too ignorant to understand (or attempt to understand).

Russ Manley said...

The vid you posted is not working, but I saw it over on JMG. Yes, I get the point of it, and you get it, but -- it's a really dumbshit idea, very smug and condescending. And quite provocative. Just imagine how you would feel, Frank, if the Mormons or Southern Baptists came out with a song about "We will convert your children" -- hmm?

Bad song, bad idea. Children do NOT need to be used as tools in anybody's political/religious/social propaganda, left, right, or whatever. The chorus should deep-six it, and apologize.

That' my 2c.


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