(Italics mine) "Initially, their anonymous and non-specific nature led me to contest them. (in other words to lie until the truth was just too obvious) However, I wish to take this opportunity to admit that there have been times that my sexual conduct has fallen below the standards (I'd like to know exactly how low those standards are because I thought the Church requires the clergy to be celibate) expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal."
"To those I have offended, I apologise and ask forgiveness," (how magnanimous, now that he's been exposed - obviously he didn't apologize during the many years before the story broke) wrote O'Brien. "To the Catholic Church and people of Scotland, I also apologise." (I'm touched)
"I will now spend the rest of my life in retirement. (lucky him, and I'm sure he will want for nothing, including...) I will play no further part in the public life of the Catholic Church in Scotland."
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Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage
3211 FOURTH STREET NE • WASHINGTON DC 20017-1194 • 202-541-3040 • FAX 202-541-3176
February 25, 2013
Your Eminence/Your Excellency:
As you may be aware, several organizations have come together to sponsor a March for Marriage which is scheduled to be held on March 26, 2013 in Washington, D.C. This event is being planned strategically for the first day when the U. S. Supreme Court will be hearing oral arguments on the cases that could determine the future of marriage, as the union of one man and one woman, in our nation.
We are grateful for this opportunity to express support for the Marriage March and to encourage participation in this event. We realize that the march will occur during the solemn days of Holy Week, but we ask that you consider promoting this event in your diocese and parishes and encourage participation where possible.
The march will be a significant opportunity to promote and defend marriage and the good of our nation, to pray for our Supreme Court justices, and to stand in solidarity with people of good will. It also complements well the bishops’ Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty that was approved last November (www.usccb.org/life-marriage-liberty). This is a decisive time for marriage in our country. We are deeply grateful for any support you can offer for this march.
The websites promoting this event are available at http://www.marriagemarch.org/ and https://www.facebook.com/MarchForMarriage. As we understand, more detailed information will be forthcoming in the next few weeks, and updates will be posted on the websites. The Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth will be promoting this event through the website and social media.
With profound appreciation for all you do in support of marriage and family life, and with our assurance of prayers in this holy season of Lent, we remain
Fraternally in Christ,
Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend Chairman, Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth
Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone Archbishop of San Francisco Chairman, Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage
These guys need to take a good look in the mirror and start being honest with themselves. Besides, Benedict is GONE, so who are they trying to impress?
What a pretty kettle of fish it all is, I don't see how the RC church can go on with all the scandals and the hopelessly out of touch hierarchy.
You know there's that prophecy of the popes, according to which the one that will now be elected is supposed to be the last one. I wouldn't bet my life on silly prophecies - but quite apart from that, I could see it happening, if some MAJOR changes aren't made. This ridiculous crap just can't go on much longer, do you think Frank?
It's a waste of time trying to change or hope the Catholic Church will ever change.
Better to move on to "Free Thought."
Well, Frank, the new pope is your namesake. Are you happy now?
Time will tell...Russ.
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