Friday, December 9, 2011

'Tis The Season To Be Careful - About Who You Donate To - And Where You Shop

The Red Kettle and Bell Ringers in front of your favorite store are a sign of the season.  The act of dropping coins in the bucket has been imbued with the sound of Christmas Carols and the warm fuzzy feelings of helping the poor and disadvantaged.  But please consider giving to charities that do not discriminate against and actively work against the LGBT community as does the Salvation Army.

Check out the article on Bilerico.

There are other charities that are not anti-gay and do not discriminate against any individuals or groups.  Charity Watch   is one place to go to check out various organizations - but not necessarily their record on LGBT issues.

As far as shopping goes, you can check out the Human Rights Campaign's Buyers Guide which rates corporations vis-a-vis LGBT issues.

However, nothing is Black and White.

As an example, Home Depot is rated 60 out of 100 and Lowe's is rated 15 out of 100.

But while Home Depot is fair on LGBT issues, the company founder and head of Home Depot Foundation which supports its own PAC is vehemently anti-Obama and by supporting conservative candidates actually works against liberal causes like human rights.    Check this. 

Best buy is rated 100 by HRC but is supporting an anti-gay candidate in Minnesota.


My suggestion: donate to reputable charities with a good record on human rights and don't shop at any of the big corporations box stores.  If you must shop, shop small, shop local.

Better yet, bake cookies.


Mark said...

I never even thought about it. And all this year, I've been giving heavily to the Salvation Army. I think it is important to check out these organizations first. From now on, I'll be giving things directly to individuals.

Stan said...

I heard or read somewhere that Staples is somehow connected to Mitt Romney. UGH!


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